Python For Artificial Intelligence

The concept of intelligence is at once both controversial and complex depending on the levels of its perception. While humans are considered to be the most intelligent being in nature today, computers being a device inverted by humans for easy calculations, in the beginning, researches has been elongated to its own intelligence today. One of the definitions of intelligence complies that it is the ability of the subject to consciously be able to perceive its environment and be able to interact and respond to it rationally which a human can do naturally. Besides rationality on the verse of intelligence comply that doing the right thing, through experience and learning. Intelligence is a special characteristic gifted to the human being and artificial intelligence is a property that human has been trying to put into the computer system from the last fifty years and the journey is still continuing. Research over languages, libraries, algorithms alongside ontology, neural networks, speech processing has been conducted giving out various positive results.

On the verse of programming language, python is the most diversified and used language for artificial intelligence especially data science and machine learning. Created in 1991 by Guido Van Rossum, Python is an interpreted high-level programming language that supports a wide variety of programming paradigm across various domains, and today especially over artificial intelligence and data science. Here is the rundown for why python is widely preferred for the domain of artificial intelligence. 


1. Python has a great prebuilt library supporting statistical analysis and applied data science which is the core of artificial intelligence. Data visualization is the major beginning for any statistical analysis within machine learning and data science, for which python also provides great visualization libraries. Beside python supports libraries for deep learning, NLP, and so on. Widely used and effective python libraries are shown here:

Widely Used Python Libraries in AI:

Python Library

AI domain



Machine Learning    

Provides a lot of efficient tools for machine learning and statistical modeling including classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction and so on.


Data Structure

Provides expressive and flexible data structure


Data visualization

Provides high-level interface for drawing informative and attractive statistical graphs



Provides advanced math functions and scientific computing packages


Machine Learning,

Deep Learning

To create large-scale neural networks, and used for classification, Perception, prediction and so on with various machine and deep learning models


Deep Learning

Allows to evaluate mathematical operations including multidimensional arrays


Data visualization

Used for data plotting and graphing for further analysis


Machine Learning

Provides numerical routines for optimization and numerical integration


Machine Learning (Neural Network)

Provides mechanism for expressing, processing and compiling neural networks


Machine Learning,

Deep Learning

Allows to perform tensor computations, create dynamic computational graphs and calculate gradients automatically and offers rich APIS for issues related to neural networks too.


Machine Learning

Provides high-performance gradient boosting framework based on decision tree algorithm, used for ranking, classifications


Machine Learning

Allows to visualize and debug machine learning models using unified API


Natural Language Processing

Natural Language toolkit providing text processing libraries for tokenization, parsing, classification, stemming, tagging, semantic reasoning and so on.


Deep Learning

Provides functions to build and train neural networks over Theano

2. PyInstaller within python libraries makes the language platform-independent and developers can easily prepare their code for running on different platforms.

3. Along with its growing popularity, the community support is another reason for its use s it helps to encounter errors and correct them easily.

Python has a moderate learning curve with a very low entry barrier. These mechanisms in python has led to the use of this language in the field of artificial intelligence today for building various AI models. 


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